We are very lucky to be able to bring you an incredible show currently showing in Object's Project Space. In connection with Design Week,
Benja Harney, a well known and highly respected paper artist brings to life objects that one might find in their attic. You will find an old wooden rocking horse, much loved ice skates, a discarded umbrella, piles of dusty books and even a mouse hole in the wall, all of which is intricately made out of paper. This exhibition allows viewers to marvel at
Benja's incredible talents for all things paper and reflect on their own personal hidden treasures they might have tucked away in the attic or under the stairs.
These objects have a certain nostalgia about them in their uncanny realistic nature. It feels almost as if you have stumbled upon hidden away treasures that bring back childhood memories.
Benja describes himself as a paper engineer and a very apt title it is too. His paper creations are beautiful, intricate works of art. Each objects is carefully hand crafted to transform this humble medium of paper into curious reliquaries.
The exhibition is curated by Tara
D'Cruz-Noble and will be showing until 25
th September. During Design Week Object will be staying open on Thursday nights between the hours of 5-8pm on the 4 and 11 August.
To see more of
Benja's work go to