Monday, August 29, 2011

With Spring new blossoms broaden the colour palette

Brenda Factor and her anodised magnetic brooches perfect for a spring morning at a coffee shop or the beach

Now that spring is starting to appear in different forms and fashions it's quite common to see different little things that just make you realise how it will poop around the corner anytime soon and so it has in our lovely cabinet of treasures at Collect shop.

Check out Alida Cappeletta who explores nature and it's textures and reinteprets them in geometric shapes

Sterling silver studs that remind of blossoms .

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Seedling love

Making a bit of an introduction to our support for Spring we bring to you a little note on a ton of Seedling Love, the season of blooms and everything that comes with it is soon to approach and with it different things are born like little buds and in other cases love.

A big congrats to one of our artists jewellery Bonny Lad who got chosen to be a part of a very important date, one of our customers decided to purchase some very Australian pieces for the flower girls of her son's wedding. the beautiful bangles with silver cast gumnuts are one in a million and definitely give us a bit of a tweak when thinking of accessorising for a wedding.
These will be travelling all the way to England for the occasion and will be a 'little something' for girls to cherish and enjoy for life.

So if you are looking to make a bit of a statement on an important date take a stroll with a tea in hand and check more of Bonny Lad's range.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I have a love for insects, they are beautiful and tiny and even though they roam around almost unnoticed, they are a big part of the enviroment and help out with the general maintenance of the earth.
Ants and bees are amongst my favourite, little hardworkers who make our life very pleasurable too with polinisation and honey.

In my ant obssessed world I started making and drawing ants a while ago so when I discovered Sandra Bowkett a Victoria based artists who work with porcelain and creates these little marvels my day got a little ray of light brighter.

Her porcelain and ceramics range is made up of a bunch of different images that remind you of every day life. Porcelain brooches of insects and of course including ants. I confess that when I discovered them i gave in and got myself a double ant and a bee. The bee just came in yesterday and I jumped at it before we even put it out with the rest of her display (sorry it was love at first sight).

If you want to check out some of her blue nature and leaves range click here, for lovely insects and crochet pop into our lovely shop if you're in Sydney I guarantee you'll love them.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Enter the Paper Attic: Benja Harney's paper creations

We are very lucky to be able to bring you an incredible show currently showing in Object's Project Space. In connection with Design Week, Benja Harney, a well known and highly respected paper artist brings to life objects that one might find in their attic. You will find an old wooden rocking horse, much loved ice skates, a discarded umbrella, piles of dusty books and even a mouse hole in the wall, all of which is intricately made out of paper. This exhibition allows viewers to marvel at Benja's incredible talents for all things paper and reflect on their own personal hidden treasures they might have tucked away in the attic or under the stairs.

These objects have a certain nostalgia about them in their uncanny realistic nature. It feels almost as if you have stumbled upon hidden away treasures that bring back childhood memories.

Benja describes himself as a paper engineer and a very apt title it is too. His paper creations are beautiful, intricate works of art. Each objects is carefully hand crafted to transform this humble medium of paper into curious reliquaries.

The exhibition is curated by Tara D'Cruz-Noble and will be showing until 25th September. During Design Week Object will be staying open on Thursday nights between the hours of 5-8pm on the 4 and 11 August.

To see more of Benja's work go to